
Our Glare-Shields are produced
from 100% fiberglass that is hand-laminated to form a one-piece
structure. They are manufactured out of fire retardant
resin that meets Federal Aviation Regulations (FAR) parts 23 and
The Glare-Shields prevent sun from reflecting in your instruments,
allowing you to read them clearly. It will also protect
sensitive instruments from heat and is impervious to damage from
the sun's rays.
The Glare-Shield is molded with a rich leather
texture, which is pleasing to the eye, and has a semi-gloss
black finish. On most models it fits flush with the
windshield, and extending 3" past the front of the panel.
There is a reinforced lip for mounting optional lights to
illuminate the instrument panel, which also serves as hand-holds
when entering and exiting the cockpit, or when adjusting your
seats. There is also space for switches and annunciator
lights. We currently produce models to fit all Piper
PA-28 Cherokees, most PA-24 Comanches, as well as all PA-32
Cherokee Six, and PA-32R Saratoga/Lance aircraft. We
produce models for almost all Cessna single engine aircraft, the
Mooney 201/20J, and all Beechcraft models produced from 1962 to
Select Aircraft Model Below:
