Wind-Lock, in use by satisfied pilots for over 30
The Wind-Lock is designed to attach to an
aircraft's controls inside the cockpit.
The none-ridged mechanism keeps tension on the
Elevators, holding them in the full down position, which
normally prevents the aircraft from leaving the ground,
regardless of wind direction. This position also allows
moisture to drain from inside the control surface, helping to
prevent corrosion.
It also holds the Ailerons in a
streamlined position, allowing resistance without causing
damage. As the wind gusts, resistance is applied.
The harder the wind blows, the more resistance is applied to the
controls. When the wind dies down, the Wind-Lock allows
the Ailerons to return to their normal position. As the
load is reduced, the tensioning mechanism reduces pressure on
the control yoke.
The Wind-Lock is obvious when installed, and
virtually impossible to take off without removing. The
Wind-Lock is not designed as an anti-theft device, and is only
intended to prevent wind damage to the control surfaces of
parked and tied-down aircraft. It is chrome-plated, and is
designed with simplicity and function in mind.
Developed by a Licensed Pilot who
is also an Inspector Authorized Mechanic.
